Lifetime warranty* on workmanship (joints, welding, steel) and 1 year warranty* on powder coating and accessories (Locks/handles/cylinders). *Warranty is void when installed in a property considered to be in a highly corrosive environment. In the extremely rare instance that a customer is deemed to be in a highly corrosive environments, they will be advised at their final check measure that their warranty is void and will have the opportunity to cancel their order.
Care & Maintenance of Steel Doors & Windows
Steel Doors do not require a lot of maintenance, but as with any powder coated product should be cleaned regularly for maximum longevity. Cleaning instructions are simple. Dip a soft cloth into a ph. neutral detergent such as car washing solution or dishwashing detergent. Dry off the unit using a similar soft cloth or chamois. If fitted with fly screen product, clean gently and do not tear. Always lubricate the moving parts of the product after cleaning. Use a lubricating silicone spray for this purpose, purchased from any hardware store. Frequency of Cleaning and maintenance instructions please refer to the below table depending on the type of environment.
Note: To successfully maintain Steel Doors & Windows, it is important to follow the below care and maintenance advice to maintain your warranty. The recommended cleaning frequency provided here is for general guidance only. Some installations may require extra maintenance due to local environmental conditions (proximity to industrial activity, etc.)
Maximum Cleaning & Maintenance Intervals for different environments (Recommended Cleaning Frequency). To clean and maintain Steel Door & Windows warm wash with recommended cleaner, such as car wash solution, dishwashing detergent.
Mild Environments – 6 months
Moderate Environments – 3 months
Tropical Environments – Severe 2-4 weeks
MILD: Being rural, away from the coast and remote from industry and urban activity
MODERATE: Being mainly urban, inland and away from heavy industrial activity.
TROPICAL/SEVERE: Being coastal/marine, subject to salt deposition and within 15km of the eastern coast or 10km of the western coast of Australia.