Australia is notorious for its creepy crawlies and flying insects. No matter the time of year they seem to find a way to swarm our gardens, slither into our homes, pop up in unexpected places (yes we’re talking about the errant huntsman on the inside of the car window) and if worse comes to worse […]
A cute kitten or puppy will scratch at a flyscreen door with soulful eyes, waiting to be let in. Sure, it can be adorable, but eventually all those claw marks build up and can damage and even tear your flyscreen. Whether they’re itching to be let out or begging to come back in again (sometimes […]
Home security can sometimes be an afterthought, particularly due to our busy day to day lives. But when something goes wrong, it immediately becomes a concern that is front of mind. The good news is that you don’t need a six figure income to ensure the safety of your home, contents, and family. SP Screens […]

Spring and summer in Australia bring about sweet sunshine at sandy beaches, blossoming perfumed flowers and cheerful outdoor BBQs… But unfortunately, some of the joy of these events evaporates due to the constant need for smelly anti-bug sprays and regular re-lighting of mozzie coils which blow out in the breeze. While we Aussies may be famous […]