Why Every Allergy Sufferer Should Invest In A Fly Screen

31 August 2016

Allergies can be very problematic for a lot of people, and can be caused by a range of things. If you suffer from allergies, a great way you can reduce your symptoms is by installing a fly screen in your home, as they are an effective barrier against many irritants.  We discuss Why Every Allergy […]

11 March 2016

A cute kitten or puppy will scratch at a flyscreen door with soulful eyes, waiting to be let in. Sure, it can be adorable, but eventually all those claw marks build up and can damage and even tear your flyscreen. Whether they’re itching to be let out or begging to come back in again (sometimes […]

10 September 2015

The humble fly screen has long been a staple of many Australian households. Starting with the obvious, their ability to block out flies, there are a number of benefits that fly screens can provide to any household, which makes them both a popular and necessary choice for any modern home.

04 March 2015

Mosquitoes and flies, albeit essential to the eco system, are a nuisance during the Australian summertime. The last thing anyone wants while entertaining, is swarm of mozzies or flies invading their home, so we’ve listed the most effective ways you can mozzie-proof your home. Screen your home The most effective way of keeping bugs out […]